The Approach


There's a set of granite stairs in between my dorm and campus, that go straight up from the downtown on the riverbank to the academic buildings on the hill. It was famously built to connect the townspeople and the university. I see plenty of people doing workouts up and down it in the evenings. The dreaded walk to class is the only downside to living in my dorm.

But hey, I like walks, so I was excited to get a little exercise in daily. I thought at the beginning of the year that walking up the stairs everyday at least once would make me stronger so that I would be so fit that when I got to the top I wouldn't be breathing heavily. But that didn't happen. It made me stronger, and so I instincutally just started going up faster. These days I take two steps at a time, barge through the crosswalk halfway up, and pass people left and right. It's not even that I'm very in shape, just that I can climb stairs like nobody's buisness. And end up huffing and puffing at the top anyways. :smile: